Web Manager Message
Dear E Readers,
I am honoured to have been chosen as the new web manager of website of Lucknow academy of paediatrics For over 5 years, http://lucknowacademyofpediatrics.org has been a platform of sharing about activities of our branch not just among our own members but also among who’s and who of UP AIP and Central IAP.
I am highly grateful to the senior trio of “ Ahuja, Bansal And Yadav “ as the call themselves for giving me the free hand in shaping up the website.
As always, my top priority, would be to keep the website updated by both local and national events of IAP.
It would serve as a platform where in we will uploading literature of academic interest like articles from journals; ppt from talks and seminar conducted and cases of clinical interest.
I sincerely hope that all LAP members would be actively following the website and freely giving their feedback so that we always improvise and improve for better.
Dr. Shrish Bhatnagar
Web Manager, LAP